Things tagged 'planning'

limited to the area of Bristol Cycling Campaign:

2 issues found for 'planning':

  • Long Ashton Neighbourhood Plan

    Created by MJR // 2 threads

    The Parish Council have prepared the plan with the help of local residents, businesses and interest groups. A draft was prepared in February 2014 for consultation locally and with statutory bodies. When fully approved, it will take the place of many North Somerset Council planning policies which cover Long Ashton Parish. It will contain policies to:-

    · protect areas of Local Green Space from development

    · protect the open countryside between Long Ashton and Bristol

    · protect and improve recreation and community facilities

    · support the shops, services and businesses within the village

    · reduce traffic speeds through the village and make it a more pedestrian friendly environment.

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  • Whiteladies tree removal

    Created by aSemy // 0 threads

    A tree on the side of East side of Whiteladies road (next to HSBC) has a notice stating that the tree will be removed and replanted. The tree is on the very wide pavement right next to the road, and the road is not wide enough for vehicles and cyclists: a pinch point.

    There is clearly enough space on Whiteladies road for a segregated cycle lane. It is a popular route used often by heavy traffic. With enough shifting of road lanes there's even enough room for an uphill cycle lane.

    Replanting the tree away from the road would remove one small obstacle and show evidence that BCC is looking towards improving cycling in the long run.

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172 threads found for 'planning':

No planning applications found for 'planning'.

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